Hands in the dirt… Feels good to reforest
Just after participating in the Hellfest 2024 festival and raising funds in order to reforest Costa Rica thanks to the generosity of Metalheads, it’s time for action! The rainy season began since May in Costa Rica. The trees grown in the nurseries have regained enough strength to be planted in July, growing tomorrow’s forest! They will benefit from several humid months until December, to build roots and face the next few months of drought.

The program for these reforestation days included a private land of a French owner sensitive to the cause of biodiversity in the “Rancho Agua Dulce” area: Casa Granada. Also an action on the public coastal zone, authorized by the SANTA CRUZ town hall. This area is under severe speculation stress and we must help reforest Costa Rica in those threatened zones.
To sum it up, this was an opportunity to bring together a large number of participants. Some Costa Ricans, others Nicaraguans and Europeans, Americans, Quebeckers, Argentinians… In short, a beautiful representation of the local community of Playa Negra.

Our hydro gel allows a better survival rate, less watering during dry season…
Also this was of course the opportunity for our ALIANZA VERDE to show some efficiency. Trees were provided by Costas Verdes and The Clean Wave brought some volunteers as well as Savage Lands as coordinator. Next episode will take place on august 8th for a public zone in Rancho Playa Negra where an illegal deforestation occured in the public zone…
Some growing numbers in the forest
On the ground, the organization partners with scientists, forest engineers, ecological parks, private businesses and other local non-profits. Their Green Alliance has led to more than 11,000 trees being planted in deforested areas along the Costa Rican coastline between may and september 2024, thanks to the help of 1,200 volunteers.