For the first time together for a unique song and video, those metal stars have gathered and created “The last howl” a song for the forest and the threatened Howler monkey in Costa Rica. 100% of the royalties of the song will go directly to the Savage Lands non profit and this is why you can say : Listening is already donating.
A great news for the metal world and the fight for biodiversity protection. An initiative that should be followed by more music in the early 2024 as Dirk Verbeuren and Sylvain Demercastel, Co-founders of the NGO Savage Lands, have signed a deal with the record label Season Of Mist. Being the first non profit organization signind a production deal with a record label.
You can join the Army of the trees ans help getting faster results. Any support being an effective tool : Promotion, Donation or any type of action that will help Savage Lands fulfill their environmental goals!