3 non profit sign a manifest for forests and wildlife :
At last,for the first time, three active Costa Rican and US based NGO’s are signing a collaboration deal together. Consequently those NGO’s made a public statement and their representants, Andres Bermudes for The Clean Wave, Gerardo Bolanos for Costas Verdes and Sylvain Demercastel for Savage Lands, signed a “Manifest” binding the 3 non profit into a common goal.
Alliance of Costas Verdes, The Clean Wave & Savage Lands

The manifest
“In response to the pressing emergency and the alarming deterioration of our local ecosystems, our three organizations have resolved to unite forces in an orchestrated effort that will deliver, with heightened efficiency and dynamism.
Although many non profits typically operate within their distinct spheres, we firmly believe in the power of a cooperative model. Instead of viewing our differences as obstacles, we embrace them as sources of diverse perspectives and innovative solutions. For that reason we have taken on a journey to redefine our approach to preserving specific areas.”
Consequently, in order to formalize our collaboration, we are signing a manifesto that will bind our three organizations to a shared mission, aligned values, purpose and mutual responsibilities.
- Together, we have resolved to lead on a reforestation initiative in the area of : Playa Negra Guanacaste / Avellanas Guanacaste / Junquilal Guanacaste
- Consequently, through this dedicated program, we aim to provide the community with professional services at a highly accessible rate.
- Additionally, we will host three events annually to engage a wider audience and elucidate our collective efforts.
- Furthermore, a joint landing page will be featured on each of our respective websites, serving as a centralized platform for our collaborative endeavors.
- Given these points we will coordinate our efforts, using our specificities :
Costas Verdes will provide knowledge and trees from their nursery. Clean wave will provide organization skills for event as well as potential volunteers. Savage Lands will prospect in the specific area of Playa Negra, recruiting new landowners and setting up communication tools.
- All three organization will fulfill their task and will provide any help needed from the two others. All quotes and invoices will be supervised AND accepted by the three organizations.

Illustration of the situation in high speculation areas.
Savagelands pix